“The greatest revolution in our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives.”- William James

Life in. Life out.

You are welcomed to explore the brand of Bloomstone; named opposite of tombstone. Meet Mahogany, owner of Bloomstone, LLC who wanted to awaken the depths of life practice by creating a stylistic statement on apparel that would serve the purpose of reminding you that the quality of every moment given is defined by your thoughts, passion and actions you put into it. 

The symbolic sprout in the logo represents the birth of whatever seed you may have planted; on the horizon of something greater. Mahogany has made it a point to leave out flowers in full bloom in the logo design because what your life grows into, is chosen by YOU; it is objective as opposed to subjective. The colon (:) replacing the o’s in Bloomstone represents time. We have become so fixated on finding the right time to live out our fondest dreams, we forget that this moment is all we truly have. Maximize it! The time is N:OW.

Casual wear with profound meaning. Abundance available to us infinitely. No seeking perfection, just habitual progression. Allow Bloomstone to be an embellishment to your elevation.

Welcome to your second life. Let the raising of consciousness begin.